"This response is my part of the Virtual Homeschool Coop Channel
Collaboration. You can find out more at
www.virtualhomeschoolcoop.com The goal of the Virtual Homeschool Coop is
to build the homeschool community of knowledge with collaborations to
give voice to all experiences in homeschooling."
Tuesday 13th September, 2016
31st January 2013 seems like a life time ago when I laid claim to the nails sealing the homeschooling coffin. I never did get rid of the idea of homeschooling and it has once again been resurrected in our household though only 1 child is home this time.
Tuesday 19th July 2016 saw me withdrawing Miss E from the local primary school and begin our new journey together. Now I'm breaking my way back into the world of homeschoolers and why not join in the fun of the Virtual Homeschool Coop.
Assignment 1 : How Structured or Relaxed is your homeschool? Rate your amount or lack of structure from “0” being no structure to
“10” being high structure and why in 3 categories: curriculum, daily
routine, and homeschool space.
Curriculum = 5 I do have books for maths, english, science and history, but we are just about to change our english curriculum as I wasn't happy with what we were using. I am also thinking of dropping the books for science and history and having a go at doing unit studies or lapbooks for these. We are so eclectic its not funny. But it has to work for your family and we shall jsut keep trying new things until we find our fit.
Daily Routine = 0, could I even give it a negative number? - We have not set start time, no set end time. If fact I work casually and as such I can get a call at 8 am and be asked into work. Lucky for us my husband works from home from 8:30 to 1 Monday to Friday, so I write a todo list and leave it with Miss E. If she is having problems then she just has to wait until Dad is available to help her, so sometime its schooling in the afternoon. The other day it was schooling after dinner when I had a chance to go through her maths with her. Our routine consists of Maths and English are worked on every day. Everything else happens over the week as the mood takes us.
Homeschool Space = ? We have a dinning table, that counts right? We have one large room that has hubby's work desk, my work desk, the sewing desk and the dinning room table and lined with book shelves where we have space. I shouldn't forget the couch or the treadmill. It is somewhat organised. We have a space for Miss E books she is currently working on. Its all good.
We have only been back in the game for 8 weeks and it takes a while to find your homeschooling legs. last time it took me nearly 6 months to find a happy groove, if not longer. I'm sure it will happen, there is always tomorrow.............
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