Friday, June 22, 2012

Miss E's hand sewing

13th June, 2012

Miss E is a crafty girl. Normally she is painting and drawing, but today she pulled out the old socks and decided that is was time to do some sewing.

a pillow.

a mattress. I know the stitching needs some work but not bad as a first attempt for a 7 year old, doing it all by herself.

A night cap. I loved the tassel that she included.

A teddy. Yes the arms and legs are strips of material stitched on and she drew on the face. Stuffy for all things is the ever very handy tissues.That reminds me, I must add that to my shopping list, box of tissues.

And who is this all for you ask? Why Cream her stuffed dog of course.

 And the blanket, I can't forget that. Shhhh. Its bed time.

1 comment:

  1. Cute. :o)

    Chloe sometimes asks to try out knitting again. I think she'd go for a go at sewing if I let her.
