Friday, April 2, 2010

2010 Blue Mountain Holidays day 1

Our family went on holidays yeah. We packed the car Saturday night so that Sunday morning we could be up bright and early and be off on our adventures.

Sunday 21st March, 2010

We managed to get ourselves in the car and on the road by 8:06am not a bad effort I thought. Hubby suggested we take the back road to Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. So we went via Wombeyan Caves.
We reached this tunnel that was built in 1899 as part of the new tourist road linking the southern highlands to the Wombeyan Caves. It was officially opened on the 29th January 1900. Now when I spoke to mum and she asked how long it took us to get to Blackheath and I said 5 1/2 hours she couldn't believe it. but then I had to explain that it took us 2 hours just to cover the 68km between Bowral and Wombeyan Caves. We came across signs like this just the other side of the tunnel.
and this
Even Parks didn't know if they were open or closed
But the views are fantastic
We arrived at Wombeyan Cave at 11:30 so had a look around and have decided that we have to go back and camp there and do the cave tours. That would be another days adventures. It only took us 2 1/2 hours from Wombeyan Caves to Blackheath and let me tell you if you ever plan to visit the Caves go in from Goulbourne end. The Bowral end is a bit hair raising. Glad we didn't do it in the Barina I think we may have bottomed it out in some places that had been washed away.
This is to be our home for 5 nights. It not overly flash but it kept us warm and dry. There was a clothes line out the back and a washing machine so I was able to have clean clothes.
This was the view from the front deck. Not that we used it much we were out most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. Love those signs! It sounds like a white-knuckle drive.
