Tuesday, July 17, 2012

All Aboard

12th July, 2012

We have had a really busy week, but have you ever noticed, that its at these times that the kids can really step up and show you what they can do.

My parents have rented a house not to far from me after spending the last 3-4 years in a caravan and traveling around. This however, is some 440km from where they have had all their furniture and belonging's in storage.

So on Wednesday Nan & Pa picked up Master J and myself and we set off on a whirlwind trip to collect their stuff. This left Hubby and the 2 girls at home.

We collected a truck, Wednesday at 12:00 and traveled all afternoon to arrive at our destination at about 5:30pm. Thursday at 7am, we were on the road around to the storage shed to load up the trailer and the truck. God held back the rain until we just had the trailer packed. We got a bit wet putting on the ropes, but at least we could reverse the truck right up to the shed doors and lower the ramp onto the concrete floor. There was only a little bit of open area that got wet, but overall we and the furniture stayed dry. (until when we were unpacking on Friday morning we discovered that the front of the truck leaked like a screen door on a submarine). We got everything packed and was on the road by 12:30pm arriving home at 6:15pm very tired peoples. Friday 7:30am on the road again to the parents house to unpack, so they could return the truck by lunch.

Ok so the stepping up part happened for Miss Z. You see Thursday 12th was my hubby's birthday. Normally we have a meal out or take away and birthday cake. This was not going to happen with what I just informed you about. So Miss Z, armed with a birthday cake recipe book, baked a cake on Wednesday and then proceeded to decorate on Thursday so it would ready for us all to have a cake for when we got home. She also then made the evening meal for us and had it ready for when we got home. What a wonderful thing after traveling and packing to be able to walk inside have a shower and sit and eat with family. I do say shower first as three years of storage and the occasional dead mouse and the not so occasional amount of mouse poo, will want to make you shower as soon as possible.

So I know you have all been hanging out to see her creation so here it is......

And yes it was very yummy. So I can now tick off that my daughter can make a birthday cake, and she can cook ( That's her yummy pasta dish in the background) for herself and others without me being in the house. Well done Miss Z.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Just for Fun

15th July, 2012

Well I was tagged, and after finding out what that actually ment, decided that I would sort of play along. I figure that Deborah from "Paper Maid" could change the rules to suit, so could I.

The Rules:

  1. Post these rules.
  2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random facts about you.
  3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
  4. Create 11 new questions and tag new people to answer them.
  5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

 11 random things about me...........

1. I've lived in 22 houses that I can remember, soon to be 23. 24 if you count  the time that I moved back home, just before I got married, for 4 weeks.

2. I love MacGyver.

3. I wish I could solve all my problems with a swiss army knife and a roll of duct tape.

4. I hate housework with a passion.

5. I think the 80's had the best music.

6. I was married a week after my 18th birthday and not on my 18th as I wanted my husband to remember 2 dates.

7. I'm wearing black and purple socks.

8. I'm struggling to think of 11 random things to share with you.

9. My bank account details are.......well obviously I'm not stupid. I know that will be a shocker to some.

10. I love not having the morning rush that comes with having children in the schooling system. Homeschooling is great.

11. I'm a St. John volunteer and think that if you have the chance you should become one as well.

 Questions to Answer>>>>>>>>

1. What are you reading at the moment?
"Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

2. What blogging advice would you give a new blogger?

I still consider myself a new blogger. For sure I might have started this blog in 2010, but I have no idea how the blogging world works, so my advice, google your questions.

3. What is your idea of a perfect day?

I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a perfect day. But if there was it would be a day where I didn't have to do any housework yet it still gets done.  

4. Do you use a curriculum and if so which one?

I am very very eclectic in my curriculum so here are some that I am using at the moment. Christian Light Education - Maths, Common Sense Press (LLATL) - English, Hands of a Child Lapbooks - science, history. Plus what ever else I can get my hands on and fit in with what we want to study at the time.

5. How do you do it all and find time to blog?

Well I don't. That's why I don't blog that much and when I do there is normally 3 or so posts in the one day. Its something I want to improve on and maybe one day it will.

6. What are your top three traits in a friend?

Honesty, Loyalty and Humour

7. Do you use Pinterest?

Nope, not even sure exactly what it is.

8. What are the top five homechool/school blogs you visit?

The Paper Maid 

Well I only have 3 that I check on a regular basis, but Hip homeschool moms is a lot of different blogs normally. 

9. Do you join in link up parties? If so which ones?

Never even heard of them, maybe its something I should look into.

10. Do you use Notepook pages? If so where do you access yours from?

Not really, but when I do I normally google for something.

11. Do you do Nature Journaling? If so have you blogged about your methods?

Nope and nope.

Now if your reading this consider yourself tagged. Below are my 11 questions that you can copy and paste. If you choose to play along please leave a comment with your name and blog link.


1. Do you homeschool?
2. what is your favourite subject?
3. What is your child's favourite subject?
4. Do you follow the school terms?
5. what do you do to relax?
6. whats your favourite food?
7. what is the best movie you have ever watched?
8. Is there a book you started reading and never finished?
9. What is one time saving tip you would like to share?
10. What is one money saving tip you would like to share?
11. If money was no object where would you like to go for a vacation?